Environmental Program & Public Education

City of Beloit's environmental staff oversees the City's Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP). All wastewater treatment facilities that treat an average of five million gallons/day or more are required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to have an approved IPP. An IPP must include all federal regulations under 40 CFR 403 and state requirements under NR 211. In Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) directly oversees the City’ s program.

Industrial Pretreatment Program

The Industrial Pretreatment Program was developed in order to prevent prohibited discharges from harming the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF), which protects the environment and public health. Prohibited discharges apply to all commercial and industrial users who are connected to the WPCF.

Business Permits

The current business permit cycle began on September 1, 2023 and expires on August 31, 2025. We are currently in the second year of a two-year permit. The next permit cycle begins September 1, 2025 and expires August 31, 2027. 

Any facility that discharges wastewater to the City of Beloit sewerage system or that occupy property connected to the City of Beloit sewer system are required to have a City of Beloit Business Permit. These permits are administered by the Water Resources Division Environmental Staff.

Grease Traps

In the City of Beloit, any facility required by the department to install a grease interceptor, oil interceptor, or sand interceptor shall, at all times, maintain the interceptor in proper working order.

No Wipes Down the Pipes

Wipes, cloths, and rags are being found in sanitary sewers at an ever increasing rate. Many of these products are labeled as flushable, but they will most likely cause problems downstream

Mercury Minimization


There are many ways you can reduce exposure to mercury. Keep reading for a few examples!