Finance and Administrative Services
The Accounting/Purchasing Division is responsible for the recording and processing of city-wide financial and procurement activities, and for other functions including payroll processing, benefit administration, audit preparation and oversight, and policy and software support to internal staff.
The City Assessor Division is responsible for the equitable and efficient administration of the tax base for the City of Beloit.
The City Clerk-Treasurer Division performs administrative work conducting the daily business activities of the city including financial management and statutory clerk functions. We are ready to assist the public in several areas: Licensing (alcohol and other various licenses), Clerk to the Board of Review, Clerk to the City Council, Staff Representative to the ABLCC, Election Administration/Voting, City Records maintenance and safekeeping, Utility Bill collections, Depositing of all City funds, Preparing the Tax Roll, general billing, collections, and many other customer service functions. Please visit us on the 2nd floor of City Hall or call us at the City Switchboard(608)364-6680 or Treasury (608)364-6663.
The Finance Division prepares the annual operating budget in accordance with Wisconsin State Statues and guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Government Budgeting. The City of Beloit Finance Division also prepares the annual capital budget and the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan based on City’s need for infrastructure improvements and capital equipment to serve the community, meet service demands, support of economic development and environmental factors.
Risk Management
The Liability Insurance Fund accounts for claims filed against and paid by the City under the City’s self-insured program.