Stateline Boys & Girls Club - Operation Great Futures Program: $30,000
Stateline Boys & Girls Clubs serve all members age 6 to 18. All programs follow the 5 Key elements of Positive Youth Development:
- A safe, positive environment
- Fun-filled
- High expectations
- Recognition
- Supportive relationships
The Stateline Boys and Girls Club programs all focus on 3 Core Areas: Academic Success (through STEAM, Creativity and Literacy), Good Character and Citizenship including College and Workforce Development and Leadership and Character, along with Healthy Lifestyles.
SBGC strives to be a leader in youth development in the Stateline area. Through partnerships with local businesses and organizations, schools, and individual caring adults, we are able to make an impact on our youth and develop the relationships that allow young people to flourish within their communities. Additionally, our extension sit CareerTek provides youth with opportunities to develop career exploration and job readiness. All of our programming is centered around academic success, character development and healthy lifestyles.