Street Milling, Pavement Cuts and Sweeping

The purpose of street milling is to remove humps in the road, and create joints for resurfacing the road. Street milling is performed spring thru the fall.

Refer all humps for removal to the Operations Division at (608) 364-2929.

Pavement Cuts

The use of pavement cutting is to install sanitary or water lines that will usually run to a new place of residence. The city will chose to use either asphalt or concrete when working with this project. Pavement cuts may require the closing of the street while the cut is being made.

The fee for street cut:
Asphalt - $15.00 per sq ft

Concrete - $21.50 per sq ft
November through April, add an additional $100.

This process may take from 1-2 months before the final repair to pavement can be completed.

Please remember the winter months may delay the cut until spring.

The city is responsible for the community’s streets and right of way. The city has an ordinance language that states there shall be no excavating or digging done in the right of way unless you have secured permission and completed a permit.
To secure permission, send a letter including diagrams and location to 

Engineering Dept.
 2400 Springbrook Ct
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 364-6690

Fax: (608) 364-6609


Operations, Park and Recreation Facility 
2351 Springbrook Ct.
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 364-2929

Fax: (608) 364-2930

Street cuts are to be completed by the city unless permission has been granted to the utility and/or construction company.

Any person making an excavation shall restore the right of way to the condition as it was prior to the work.

If the right of way is not restored to its former condition, the city will repair it and the cost of such repair will be charged to the company doing the work.

If you are going to be closing a road  please contact the following:

  • 911 Non-emergency: (608)757-2244
  • Beloit Transit System: (608)364-2870
  • Engineering: (608)364-6690
  • Operations: (608)364-2929
Street Sweeping

The City of Beloit offers two street sweepers that function from March-November and will sweep the curb and gutter about nine times a year. However if the road does not have a curb and gutter, it will only be swept twice a year. The street sweepers will remove debris from the roadways with the exception of limbs, sticks, or other long debris.

Remember, when cutting the first few feet of your lawn by the street, we recommend discharging clippings away from the street. Keep in mind; if clippings continue to be placed in the street or gutter, a fine could follow.

Also city ordinance prohibits any obstruction in the street or gutter that restricts the flow of water. Prohibits placing of yard waste or any waste liquid or solid in the gutter, street or alley.