Public Information Meeting


The City of Beloit is holding a Public Information Meeting on two upcoming road reconstruction projects. The meeting will be held from 5-6pm Tuesday, August 13, at 2400 Springbrook Court.
We will keep the community informed when construction on these projects begin later this year.
Strong Avenue Reconstruction (Prairie Ave to Central Ave)
Replacement of undersized water main on the 1200 block of Strong Avenue between Prairie Avenue and Central Avenue, as well as replacement of the affected roadway disturbed by the work. Lead water laterals within the project limits will be replaced.
Driveway aprons and curb and gutter within the project limits will be replaced. Curb ramps will also be replaced and brought into compliance with ADA requirements.
Emerson Street Reconstruction (Central Ave to Milwaukee Rd) & Hobart Place Water
Main Replacement
Replacement of the undersized water main on the 1200-1400 blocks of Emerson Street between Central Avenue and Milwaukee Road. Lead water laterals within the project limits will be replaced. The roadway within the project limits will be reconstructed, including replacement of curb and gutter and driveway aprons. Curb ramps will also be replaced and brought into compliance with ADA requirements.
The existing 2” cast-iron water main will be abandoned and a new 8” water main will be installed within the Hobart Place right-of-way. Lead water laterals within the project limits will be replaced. Directional drilling will be used to minimize disturbance of the Hobart Place roadway.