Draft Comprehensive Plan, Survey Now Available

A draft of the Comprehensive Plan 2045 is now available, and the City of Beloit is seeking resident feedback on the draft plan.


The draft plan is available on the project website. A survey on the plan can be taken online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BeloitCompReview. The deadline is June 3, 2024.


Various pop up events will be held this summer to solicit additional input from the community. Additionally, a public open house about the plan will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at Beloit Public Library, 605 Eclipse Blvd.


The final draft plan will be reviewed by the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee at 6pm June 12, 2024. The plan will be reviewed by Plan Commission at 7pm June 19, 2024. The City Council will hold a public hearing at 7pm August 5 with a vote scheduled for possible adoption on August 19.


A Comprehensive Plan takes a long-term, big-picture view of Beloit’s future and makes recommendations for policies and strategies that will help realize the community vision, addressing key areas such as land use, housing, transportation, economic development, and others. The City hired urban planning consultants Vandewalle & Associates to guide and facilitate the planning process.


Check the project website at www.beloitwi.gov for updates!