Milwaukee Road Traffic Calming Project to Begin

We will soon start narrowing Milwaukee Road east of Turtle Creek in attempt to slow traffic leading into the Milwaukee Road/White Avenue curve. Paint and barricades will be installed this week to help calm traffic in the area. This project will begin at a date to be determined based on weather conditions.

We’ve received requests from area residents looking for solutions to slow speed at the intersection. Additionally, there have been 34 vehicle crashes in the project area in the last three years with three causing serious injury and five causing minor injury. We reviewed the speeds in the area November 19-20, 2024, with the following results:

  • Only 2.1% of traffic traveling at or under the posted speed limit of 25 mph
  • 34.6% of drivers were traveling in excess of 15 mph over the posted limit.
  • The top recorded speed was 74 mph
  • The average speed was 38 mph

The project is funded through a U.S. Department of Transportation Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) with a 20% local cost share. We will review speed data at the intersection to determine if this will be a temporary or permanent solution.

Plans for the project are below.