City to Kickoff Non-Profit Youth Programming Funding Opportunity

The City of Beloit will be offering funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program to eligible non-profit agencies to support youth programs and services in Beloit.

A few things to note:

Information sessions will be held the week of December 4th (Schedule available online at under the non-profit youth programming section, as well as in the comments)

Pre-application eligibility checklists will become available on December 4th. Completion of a pre-application is REQUIRED for all agencies wishing to apply for ARPA funding. Additional details are included below, and pre-applications can be submitted online at:


Pre-application checklists are due no later than December 22, 2023, at 4:30pm CST.

Learn more at