Need a New Roof? City Introduces Roof Replacement Program

The City of Beloit is introducing a new roof replacement program designed to connect homeowners with necessary resources to improve their properties.

The City has designated $500,000 of its tax increment district housing fund to the roof replacement program. Homeowners at or below 80% of the county median income are eligible to apply for the forgivable loan program to replace their roofs.

The program is designed to replace deteriorated roofs while improving aged housing stock in Beloit’s neighborhoods.


  • $15,000 in forgivable loans at 1/60th per month over five years
  • 0% interest rate
  • Property has to be located in the City of Beloit
  • Property has to be owner occupied
  • The property must be current on City of Beloit utilities, property taxes or other amounts owed to the City of Beloit
  • Household must be income eligible

To learn more about the program or to view income eligibility, visit or contact Todd Dever, Neighborhood Rehabilitation Specialist, at 608-364-6695 or