City of Beloit Combines Polling Locations for February Primary Election

The City Council has combined polling places for the primary election to be held on February 18, 2025 in the City of Beloit. The following polling places will be used for the wards indicated:



The official polling locations for the February 18, 2025, election are:





West side of the Rock River
Wards 1-11; 24-26 & 31

Krueger Haskell Golf Course

1611 Hackett Street

East side of the Rock River

Wards 12-23; 27-30

Central Christian Church

2460 Milwaukee Road




Voters in wards 1-11, 24-26 and 31, who live on the west side of the Rock River, will vote at Krueger Haskell Golf Course, 1611 Hackett St.


Voters in wards 12-23 and 27-30, who live on the east side of the Rock River, will vote at Central Christian Church, 2460 Milwaukee Road.


The City Council combined polling places due to the low expected voter turn-out for this primary election, which includes the State Superintendent primary election.

Please confirm your ward number at as ward numbers and regular polling locations may have changed due to redistricting.

The two polling locations in the City of Beloit are open from 7am to 8pm. All polling places are accessible to elderly and disabled voters.


Important Deadlines and Absentee Voting Information

  • Moving to the City of Beloit? January 21, 2025, was the last day for voters to establish residency in the City of Beloit. Voters who establish residency after this date must vote in the municipality they resided in previously.
  • Voter Registration Paperwork

o   Deadline to file voter registration paperwork by mail or online: January 29, 2025.

o   Deadline to file voter registration paperwork at City Hall: 5pm Friday, February 14, 2025; you can still register at your polling location on Election Day.

  • Absentee Ballots

o   Deadline to request an absentee ballot to be sent to you through the mail: 5pm Thursday, February 13 (5pm Friday, February 14, if voter is indefinitely confided or military and not away from home).

o   Do not place ballots in City Hall drop boxes; either return via U.S. Postal Service or return directly to the 2nd floor Clerk-Treasurer’s Office. Please allow enough time for absentee ballots to return via mail as they must by in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office by 8pm Election Day.

o   Only the voter can return the ballot to the clerk’s office or place in the mail unless a voter with disabilities needs help returning their ballots.

o   Make sure all fields are properly filled out, including the witness signature and address.

o   In-person absentee voting will be held at City Hall, 100 State St., on the 2nd floor Clerk-Treasurer’s Office:

  • Weekdays Tuesday, February 4, to Thursday, February 13, 8:30am-4pm
  • Friday, February 14, 8:30am-5pm

o   Deadline for absentee ballots to be in the clerk’s office: 8pm Tuesday, February 18, 2025 (this means in the office – not postmarked by). Do not bring to your polling location.


Visit MyVote at to find your polling place, to see what is on the ballot, to register to vote, and more.


If voters are unsure of their polling place and/or voter registration status, or if they have any questions or need additional information, please contact the City of Beloit City Clerk’s office at(608) 364-6680or by email at


All polling places in the City of Beloit are open from 7 am to 8 pm. All polling places are accessible to elderly and disabled voters. Don’t forget to bring your photo ID!