
Beneath the City of Beloit's street grid is a network of sanitary sewers designed to collect wastewater from your home, schools, businesses and industries. It then flows by gravity to a series of pump stations which, in turn, deliver the wastewater to the treatment facility.

A critical function of any collection system is to maintain forward flow. If a blockage occurs, wastewater can backup into homes and businesses. The goal of the Collection System staff is to prevent Sanitary Sewer Overflows and basement backups which minimizes health and property risk to our customers.

The Collection System staff performs several diverse functions including sanitary and storm sewer cleaning, root removal and televising. The staff has also developed a program for continuous upgrade and repair of the various components of the sanitary sewers to assure the system will last well into the future. 

Sanitary sewer
Sanitary sewers and manholes are typically found in the middle of a street. They are designed to collect wastewater from customers and deliver it to the Water Pollution Control Facility.

Storm sewer inlet
Storm water inlets are typically found along the street curb line and at intersections.  Storm sewers are intended to collect stormwater ONLY. Never add oil, anti-freeze, solvents or other household products to the inlets. Also, never toss garbage or other waste into the curb line. It will find its way into the storm sewer and cause blockages.  The result is standing water in the street or terrace. 

Collection System staff

The Collection System staff maintains the network of storm and sanitary sewers year-round to minimize the risk of sewer backups and street flooding.