Winter Weather Emergencies
The City of Beloit has declared a winter weather emergency for the following time period:
6pm Friday, February 14, 2025 to 12pm Sunday, February 16, 2025
After a winter weather emergency has been declared, all vehicles must be removed from being parked on city streets during the time the winter weather emergency is in effect.
13.04 (1)(a): Snow removal emergency is defined based upon forecast information or actual observed conditions, that the accumulation of ice or snow whether from snow fall or drifting will necessitate snowplowing, snow removal or winter pavement treatment operations.
(b): The City of Beloit is authorized to declare a snow emergency and shall provide local news media with an informal notice as quickly as possible. Failure to receive such notice shall not excuse any person from obeying the provisions of this subsection.
A winter weather emergency may be declared at any time. The Director of Operations, or his/her designee, determines, based upon forecast information or actual observed conditions, that the accumulation of ice or snow. whether from snowfall or drifting, will reasonably necessitate snowplowing, snow removal or winter pavement t treatment operations.
The declared snow emergency is shared widely throughout the community, including (but not limited to):
- City website and Facebook page
- Text and email alert subscribers
- News media, including Beloit Daily News, WJVL/WCLO, and Madison and Rockford TV stations
- All city staff and city councilors
- School District of Beloit