House in College Park Historic District.JPG

Landmarks Commission

Description: The Beloit Landmarks Commission was established in 1990, shortly after the adoption of the Historic Preservation Ordinance, and is staffed by the Planning and Building Services Division of the Community Development Department.  The primary purpose of the Landmarks Commission is:

  • To designate and promote new and existing landmarks and historic districts
  • To regulate the way exterior alterations, additions, and construction or demolition of properties is done in historic districts or those with landmark status (see Certificate of Appropriateness)

  • To serve as a liaison between the public and the City of Beloit Planning and Building Services Division to encourage the stability of historic districts and landmarks sites


Term: 3 years (November 1 - October 31)


Staff: Hilary Rottmann, Planner II, 364-6708


Chair:  Celestino Ruffini - October 2025


Members & Term Expiration

  • Sherry Blakeley, City Councilor - April 2025
  • Ned Carlson - October 2025
  • Spencer Langley - October 2025
  • Avery McDaniel - October 2025
  • Alexander Evans - October 2026
  • Nicolette Meister - October 2026

General Information

A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) must be approved by the Landmarks Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. The certificate allows approved exterior alterations, additions, new construction or demolition on property located in a historic district and/or a designated landmark site. The certificate assures that proposed exterior changes comply with the regulations and intent of the Beloit Historic Preservation Ordinance.

Submittal of an application is required prior to the approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness. The application should detail the proposed work and be accompanied by drawings, sketches, and photos. Staff will prepare a report which will be presented to the Landmarks Commission to assist them in making a decision to approve or deny the certificate. For information regarding a Certificate of Appropriateness, contact the Planning and Building Services Division at (608) 364-6700.

Click [here] for Landmarks Commission Agendas, Minutes, and Staff reports.

Click [here] for historical Landmarks Commission related documents (prior to February, 2019).