Business Permits

The current business permit cycle began on September 1, 2023 and expires on August 31, 2025. Business permits follow a two-year permit cycle. The next permit cycle begins on September 1, 2025, and expires on August 31, 2027.

Any facility that discharges wastewater to the City of Beloit sewerage system or that occupy property connected to the City of Beloit sewer system are required to have a City of Beloit Business Permit. These permits are administered by the Water Resources Division Environmental Staff.

Permit applications are available at the Water Resources and Engineering Building, located at 2400 Springbrook Court in Beloit.

In order to be issued a permit to operate a business, the business owner must ensure the following steps are complete:

1.  Complete the permit application form, which is available at 2400 Springbrook Court or online below.

2.  Before submitting the completed application, be sure the following issues are addressed:
        a.) All other permit fees and taxes due to the City of Beloit MUST be paid in full including but not limited to-
           1. Alcohol/Liquor License fees
           2. Rental Permit fees
           3. Personal Property taxes
           4. Real Property taxes
           5. Inspection fees
           6. Other fines, fees or taxes
         b.) All outstanding past due bills to the City of Beloit, including water, sewer and trash collection bills must be paid.

3.  Return the completed form with permit fee, signature, and date to:
           Water Resources Business Permit
           2400 Springbrook Ct.
           Beloit, WI 53511

4.  The permit term is a 2-year fixed duration.

5.  Permit fees are a $100 non-refundable flat rate.  If you are paying by check, please make checks payable to: City of Beloit

6.  The current cost for a business requiring an SCPP is $200.


Spill Control Prevention Plan Template is at the bottom of this page. 



Alex Kubokawa
Environmental Technician I
2400 Springbrook Court
Beloit, WI 53511
