Securing City of Beloit and Rock County Licenses and Permits
All businesses within the City of Beloit need a Business Permit. A Business Permit is $100-$200 and applications may be obtained from the Water Resources Division (364-2888). Permit applications can also be found at under “How do I…Apply for a Permit.”
The following licenses and permits may also be required, depending upon the nature of the business:
- Alcoholic Beverage Sales
- Operator/Bartender
- Outdoor Vending including food trucks
- Secondhand Article/Pawn Shop
- Sidewalk Café License
Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 608-364-6680 with questions about the above licenses and permits. Note: This list excludes other permits that may be required by Rock County and/or the State of Wisconsin. For example, the Rock Co. Public Health Department ( issues licenses for restaurants, hotels, motels, and other service establishments.