Beloit Apartments Redevelopment - Phase 1
On September 23, 2010, a housing rehabilitation project began on 65 units of Beloit Community Development's (CDA) public housing. The project is a combined effort utilizing funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Tax Credit Equity Investors, and Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Association (WHEDA) TCEP funds. Partners in the project are Dimension Development, HUD, WHEDA, BMO/M&I Bank, First National Bank, Blackhawk Bank, The City of Beloit, and the Beloit Community Development Authority.
The housing units are located within five Beloit neighborhoods. These 65 units were originally built in the 1970's and have not undergone an extensive rehabilitation since being built. A Capital Needs Assessment revealed the units were outdated and did not meet the needs of the CDA's current waiting lists. Two and three bedroom units are the greatest in demand. Therefore, rehabbing the units consisted of reducing some three and four bedroom units in size and adding first-floor laundry rooms. Additional improvements to the units include remodeling existing baths and kitchen upgrades, additional 3/4 baths, new appliances, garages and central air. Hardi-Plank siding was used for the exterior upgrades. The units were rehabbed to Wisconsin Green Built Home specifications, which include energy efficient windows, water heaters, and furnaces.
The Community Development Authority held a ribbon cutting and open house to officially unveil the efforts on Friday, February 18, 2011.
The noted improvements make Beloit's public housing comparable to market rate housing in the area; and increase the likelihood that gainfully employed residents, who meet public housing income guidelines, will apply for housing in these units.