Community and Housing Services

The Division of Community and Housing Services manages the City’s Community Development grants, provides housing rehab loans, enforces the City’s Housing Property Maintenance Code, performs interior rental inspections, performs multi-family residential Fire Inspections, and investigates complaints of housing discrimination.  

Click [here] for Community and Housing Services documents.

Fair Housing

It is the policy of the City that all persons are entitled to fair and equal access to housing, and to that end, the City has the power and duty to enforce equal opportunity in housing for all citizens of the City.

Rental Registration

The City of Beloit Rental Registration Program is currently being revised. 

Inspection Programs

The City of Beloit may require rental units in certain districts of the the City to have an interior inspection on a cyclical basis. The City is currently reviewing and updating the Interior Rental Inspection Program procedures.


The City also offers interior property maintenance inspection services to any residential property owner in the City, and responds to complaints regarding dangerous or unsanitary interior conditions of units within the City.

Code Enforcement

Housing Services enforces the City’s Housing Property Maintenance Code and performs multi-family residential Fire Inspections and issues Rental Permits.

Housing Loan Program

The Housing Loan Program is designed to improve the housing stock in the City of Beloit and complement other ongoing neighborhood revitalization efforts.