
City of Beloit : No Mow May Program

The Beloit City Council has approved an ordinance change that allows for Beloit residents to participate in “No Mow May” in 2024 to help support the presence of pollinators.

In order to participate in No Mow May, the property owner must:

·       Register with the City of Beloit’s Community Development Department by May 1, 2024.

·       Display a city-issued sign in the yard to notify the community that the property is participating in the program.

·       Ensure grass and weeds do not grow longer than 12 inches.

Registration will open Monday, April 15, 2024. In-person registration and signs are available at the Community Development Department at 100 State Street, Beloit, WI. City Hall is open Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.

No Mow May is a voluntary program for City residents. Individuals who do not register by May 1, 2024, will need to comply with the ordinance’s standards of grass and weeds to not exceed 8 inches.



How can we help our lawns, pollinators, and environment?

If you typically mow your lawn every week (or more frequently), consider mowing every other week. Research has shown this to increase the number of individuals and species variety of pollinators. An added bonus of a less-is-more approach to lawn care is that more mowing can be associated with increased pests and allergy-causing plants like ragweed. So instead of splitting your precious free time between mowing and trips to the pharmacy to deal with seasonal allergies, perhaps this spring you can relax and enjoy a cold beverage while enjoying the buzzing and flittering critters in your yard.

Consider practicing grasscycling

Skip watering your lawn. EPA estimates that 30% of residential water usage is devoted to outdoor uses including watering lawns and gardens. Experts estimate that as much as 50 percent of water used for irrigation is wasted due to evaporation, wind, or runoff caused by inefficient irrigation methods and systems. When watering is needed, use a sprinkler that shoots low to the ground. Sprinkle your lawn, not sidewalks, driveways, or streets. Shape soil so water will sink in, rather than run off. 

Reduce or eliminate the use of herbicides and pesticides. Besides being potentially harmful to our pollinators, chemicals and weed killers are not needed for a healthy lawn and they're one of the main reasons we have green algae in our lakes and streams. Get a soil test so you know if your lawn needs more nutrients. Mulch to keep the lawn healthy, so it can outcompete weeds for light, nutrients, and water. If you must fertilize, do it in the fall. Sweep up fertilizer that falls on the street and sidewalk and dispose of it properly - water and fertilizer that go into the street go directly to the river or lake.


Bee pollinator friendly and explore these other resources: