Stateline Area Transportation Study (SLATS) Metropolitan Planning Organization
The Stateline Area Transportation Study (SLATS) established in 1974, is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Beloit urbanized area (as defined by the US Census Bureau). SLATS spans the state line and includes portions of Wisconsin and Illinois. The purpose of an MPO is to conduct a federally mandated, 3-C (continuing, cooperative and comprehensive) intergovernmental transportation planning process for all urbanized areas over 50,000 in population. Based in the 2020 Census, the SLATS Urban Area has a total population just over 63,000, with approximately 70% of the population in Wisconsin and 30% in Illinois.
The SLATS MPO is directed and governed by a Policy Board that includes representation from:
- City of Beloit
- Town of Beloit
- Town of Turtle
- Rock County, Wisconsin
- City of South Beloit
- Village of Rockton
- Rockton Township
- Winnebago County, Illinois
- Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
- Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
The SLATS MPO is required to develop and update a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) every five years, a Unified Work Program every year, and a four-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which SLATS updates every year. All federally-funded transportation projects in the MPA must be included in the TIP. The TIP must also include all regionally significant transportation improvements funded by the States and local governments. The TIP must be approved by the MPO Policy Board and approved by both the State of Wisconsin and State of Illinois Departments of Transportation prior to receiving the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) acceptance.
Policy Board:
- City of Beloit Councilor Nancy V. Forbeck (Chair)
- Town of Beloit, Diane Greenlee (Vice-Chair)
- City of South Beloit, Sonya Hoppes
- Village of Rockton, John Peterson
- Rockton Township, Trent Kehoe
- Town of Turtle Chair, Roger Anclam
- Rock County, Philip Gorman
- Winnebago County Board Chair, Joseph Chiarelli
- SW Region Planning Chief Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation (WisDOT), Art Sommerfield
- Region 2 Engineer Illinois Dept. of Transportation (IDOT), Trisha Thompson
Technical Advisory Committee:
- City of Beloit Public Works Department, William Frisbee
- City of Beloit Engineering Division, Scot Prindiville
- City of Beloit Community Development Department, Julie Christensen
- City of South Beloit, Brandon Boggs
- Village of Rockton, Dan Barber
- Town of Beloit, Frank McKearn
- Town of Turtle, Dave Bomkamp
- Beloit Transit System (BTS), Teri Downing
- Stateline Mass Transit District (SMTD), Sharon Hecox
- Rock County Highway Department, Duane Jorgenson
- Rock County Planning Department, Andrew Baker
- Winnebago County Highway Department, Carlos Molina
- Winnebago County Planning Department
- SW Region WisDOT, Matt Schreiber
- District 2 IDOT, Rob Bates
Non-voting Members:
- Central Planning Office for WisDOT, Justin Johnson
- District 2 Bureau of Urban Program Planning IDOT, Doug Delille
- Federal Highway Administration (WI), Karl Buck
- Federal Highway Administration (IL), Jon Paul Diipla
- FTA Region 5 Chicago, Evan Gross (WI)
- FTA Region 5 Chicago, Anthony Greep (IL)
- Janesville MPO, Duane Cherek
- Rockford MPO (R1PC), Sydney Turner
- Village of Roscoe, Josef Kurlinkus
- Roscoe Township
- Town of Rock